Connection Groups

​​​​​​​Men's Group

Meets: 7:30 PM every Tuesday
Leader: Jeff Firestone (586) 246-2711
Location: Crossroads Church Building
Reflection and discussion on Biblical books and themes. Currently using video based studies from RightNow Media.

Women's Fellowship
Meets: 7:00 PM every Tuesday
Leader: JoAnne Muzzi (248) 345-6784
Location: Crossroads Church Building​​​​​​​
Reflection and discussion on Biblical books and themes. Currently using video based studies from RightNow Media.

Hand Crafting Group
Meets: 6:30-8:30PM, July 20th & August 3rd
Leader: Babe Kaier (248) -388-8436
Location: Crossroads Church Building​​​​​​​
This groups share a passion for all types of crafts AND being together and building relationships. As well as completing crafts that benefit the church and other ministries.

"Life Between The Pages" 
Meets: Taking a break for the summer
Leader: Lynnette Viers (248) 437-2263
Location: Crossroads Church​​​​​​​ Building

The book club meets on the second Monday of the month from September through May.
The group decides together what the monthly reading selections will be. The group leader provides a list of books to get things started and members bring their suggestions as well. Members of the group use a variety of reading resources which include the traditional hard cover and paperback books, Kindles, I-Pads and audio books. Discussions are lively and interesting, providing a wide range of perspectives.

20 Sumthin's
Meets: 6:30pm - July 11th & July 25th
Leader: Phil A. (248) 396-6305
Location: Pastor Phil's Home 

Mom's Group
Meets: Taking a break for the summer
Leader: Jessica Walker (248) 787-0378
Location: Crossroads Church Building
