Is This the Church For You?

That depends, of course. There are many different types of churches and that is a good thing! Here’s who we are-if it fits who God has called you to be, and you are looking for a church, then feel free to join us at one of our worship services. If we don’t sound like a fit for you, we pray your search is successful and feel free to drop in any time to say hello.

Who We Are

At Crossroads we seek to be true to our calling as disciples of Christ. We pray, take communion, learn and fellowship regularly. (Acts 2:42) AND we allow ourselves to laugh or cry or be amazed by the power of the living God working in our midst.

(Psalm 46:10)

We believe that God is working in the world and our church. We see God’s power in the healing of broken relationships, people growing as disciples, addictions being overcome, lives truly being saved. We rejoice over God’s work in the past and eagerly anticipate God’s continuous work in our midst.

We believe God has called us to be .. us! We ask simply:

How has God uniquely shaped our church community to reach the wider community?

We believe that we are true to our calling by being in prayer individually and communally and by holding worship gatherings that are Christ-centered, relevand and real. So...

WE ARE a group of Christians following a simple plan to

Love God, Love People, and Live the Good News

You are welcome to join us on the journey